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Client Newsletter

Depreciation on Buildings From 1 April 2011 depreciation on most buildings will be eliminated as per the legislation enacted following the budget announcement in May 2010. A new Schedule 39 is in the Income Tax Act 2007 which lists the types of buildings on which depreciation may continue to be claimed as they are deemed...

Personal property securities act

Are you aware of the Personal Property Securities Act “PPSA” which came into force on 1 May 2002? The Act reforms the law relating to security interests in personal property. It affects lending, leasing and other types of credit-providing activities. The PPSA contains rules for determining the priority between security interests in the same personal...

Moving your succession plan forward

  Follow our eight-point plan to facilitate your eventual succession and exit-from-business strategy. It’s no picnic trying to increase business value by growing Earnings before Interest and Tax [EBIT] while de-risking your operating model to get there. But these two performance criteria are critical to a successful succession plan. Strong corporate governance, including effective financial...

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New Zealands Leading Business Advisory & Accounting Specialists
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