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One of the most difficult decisions to make as a business owner is how much to charge for your products. There is often a reluctance to review pricing because of the fear of upsetting existing customers or due to a lack of time. However, there are several actions you can take to make your pricing...

In our February-March 2011 newsletter, we looked into the changes to the depreciation regime brought about in the May 2010 Budget introducing the zero percent depreciation rate for buildings. We also highlighted some of the discrepancies that were created by the hasty legislation. This article expands on that as well as looks into the depreciation treatment...

The Government has introduced a Bill into Parliament that will limit taxpayers’ ability to claim a tax deduction for costs associated with mixed-use assets, i.e. assets that are used both privately and rented to third parties, for example baches and boats. When enacted, the new rules will apply from 1 April 2013. The new rules...

In an effort to reduce uncertainty regarding the tax treatment of employee reimbursements and payments for meals, accommodation, communication and clothing, the IRD released an officials’ issues paper in November 2012. The IRD is seeking feedback on proposals to introduce legislation specifically pertaining to these types of expenditure. Meals Employee meal costs when travelling for...

When a landlord makes a payment in cash to induce a tenant into signing in to a lease, the payment is usually deductible to the landlord. Under the existing rules, a lease inducement payment received by the tenant is non-taxable. This was confirmed in a ruling by the Privy Council case in CIR v Wattie (1998)...

Investment in real estate, especially residential properties, remains a popular choice of investment. One can see why it is attractive to New Zealand taxpayers — For one, there is no capital gains tax on the eventual sale of the property and land tends to appreciate with time; The current rate of after-tax return on fixed-term...

Lease agreements Over the years, leasing of assets has taken on many different names and forms – hire purchase agreements, lease to buy, operating lease, finance lease, multi-lease to name a few. Most times, the variations are used about motor vehicles more than other assets. Financing Options Broadly speaking, there are three financing options when...

Personal Property Securities Act

Are you aware of the Personal Property Securities Act “PPSA” which came into force on 1 May 2002? The Act reforms the law relating to security interests in personal property. It affects lending, leasing, and other types of credit-providing activities. The PPSA contains rules for determining the priority between security interests in the same personal...

Investment Decision Making

Ever made a bad investment decision?   Probably not too many that you’d probably care to admit to.  However, if you are to get truly honest answers it is rare to find decision-makers in New Zealand organizations who can honestly say their record is impeccable. Part of that probably comes from our Number 8 wire...

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