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Newsletter – February – April 2012

All information in this newsletter is to the best of the authors’ knowledge true and accurate. No liability is assumed by the authors, or publishers, for any losses suffered by any person relying directly or indirectly upon this newsletter. It is recommended that clients should consult a senior representative of the firm before acting upon this...

Financial Accounts & Tax Returns

Complying with reporting requirements and income tax legislation can be a nightmare. Let us take care of your annual financial accounts and tax returns so you can spend your time in your business instead.   We can also provide advice and feedback on your business performance and offer a service to benchmark your business’ performance...

Paying tax on losses

Generally speaking it makes sense for tax to be paid on profits, but is it fair that tax should be paid on losses… Within New Zealand’s tax legislation there is a set of provisions called the financial arrangement rules. These rules basically identify gains and losses that arise on certain financial instruments (such as interest...

Year end chores

For many businesses, 31 March is an important date because it is the end of their financial year, and it is the last day their accountant has to file their prior year’s tax return. To make the year-end process as smooth as possible (at least from a tax perspective), a few “to-dos”, along with some...

Deferring your income for tax purposes

As the amount of income tax you have to pay is determined on an annual basis it is important to ensure items of income are allocated correctly to a particular year. Although common sense will get the right answer in most situations, being aware of some of the concepts around this topic could help you...

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